Upgrade to Premium

Best for streamlining client-facing and document workflows

per user/month minimum of

Get instant access to all the same Advanced features, plus:
All the e-signatures you need

Send up to 100,000 documents for e-signature per license per month, applied at the account level.

Rapid client onboarding

Quickly onboard new clients with a built-in agreement that expedites the start of services.

Document request lists

Digitally create and manage document request lists with our easy-to-use tool

HIPAA eligible

Available only in ShareFile Premium. Certain features may be limited or unavailable. Customers must have a signed BAA in place with ShareFile (Cloud Software Group, Inc.).

SEC+FINRA eligible

Archiving under this plan entitles customers to 200GB/User fair use storage amount. Certain features may be unavailable or limited. Customers must have a signed SEC Addendum in place with ShareFile (Cloud Software Group, Inc.).

AI-driven secure share recommender

Automatically recommends hyperlink share settings based on the file content to keep sensitive data secure with no interruption to your efficiency.
